760 research outputs found

    Sambucus nigra L. (fam. Viburnaceae) in Sicily: Distribution, Ecology, Traditional Use and Therapeutic Properties

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    Sambucus nigra, the elderberry, has long been used for its medicinal properties in treating numerous diseases. Based on this traditional knowledge, its different pharmacological activities have been the focus of active research. All parts of the tree have long been used in traditional medicine, that is, the bark, the leaves, the flowers and the fruit. This study, carried out in Sicily (Italy), concerns the traditional uses of elder against human diseases. In order to trace the history of man's interaction with elder on the island, multidisciplinary research was carried out, aiming at (1) presenting a comprehensive overview of elderberry's applications and activities and (2) bridging traditional knowledge (uses and beliefs) with modern science, i.e., the most recent scientific findings in the biomedical and pharmacological fields. A rigorous literature review of scientific (and other local) reports on the elderberry tree and its application in food, health and household applications was undertaken. This article also provides a synthetic and updated picture of the ecology and distribution of S. nigra in Sicily. The elderberry is quite widespread in Sicily, yet its distribution is discontinuous. It prefers hedges, riparian woodlands, forest margins and clearings and is rather common along the watercourses flowing in the canyons of the Hyblaean Plateau, in the Madonie Mts. and in Enna province. Indeed, many old plants are often found near sacred places and rural houses, suggesting that in the past, it was extensively planted on purpose for its multiple uses. The complementary data obtained from multidisciplinary research confirm the usefulness of this approach in building a comprehensive and correct picture of the distribution of the most common woody species, for which the available knowledge is often fragmentary and imprecise

    The nutraceuticals : a new therapeutic strategy in the management of digestive and respiratory disorders

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    Nutraceuticals represents an intriguing challenge in clinical practice. They are currently used worldwide in all fields of Medicine. The present Supplement reports two Italian surveys concerning a probiotic mixture employed in patients with chronic intestinal disorders and a Medical Device used in patients with upper respiratory diseases. These surveys were conducted on a group of Italian gastroenterologists and on a group of Italian otolaryngologists respectively. Both surveys demonstrated that these compounds may represent a useful therapeutic option in clinical practice

    Variazione degli stock di carbonio del suolo in seguito ai processi di abbandono dei coltivi: il caso studio dell\u2019isola di Pantelleria (TP)

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    The recent abandonment of marginal agricultural areas in the Mediterranean has caused an increase of the surface occupied by pre-forest and forest formations. In order to study the carbon accumulation processes on Pantelleria Island was selected a North-facing area. This area includes 5 stages of succession (sds) that compose a chronosequence (from 0 to 30 years) to understand soil C accumulation processes after abandonment. These are abandoned vineyards or caperbushes, not disturbed (grazing, fire) since agricultural abandonment, and they are situated in thermomediterranean belt and on the same parent material and consequently considered in the same ecological conditions. Samples at 1 cm, 10 cm and 40 cm depth, respectively, were taken for every sds in three different soil relief areas. Litter samples were taken too. Organic carbon content was determined for every sample. Carbon content increases from a sds to the next one. There is a duplication of C from sds0 (cultivated field) to sd1 (abandoned since few years) and from sds4 (abandoned since 16-30 years) to sds5 (abandoned since > 30 years). It seems that different types of vegetation play a key-role in soil C dynamics and there are 85 t C ha-1 in the top 40 cm of the soil after 30 years from the abandonment in the chronosequence and an annual C sequestration rate equal to 3.4 t ha-1. These results show that revegetation offers good opportunities to sequestrate CO2 from the atmosphere and, therefore, to mitigate the greenhouse effect as it is requested by international agreements

    Climatic signals of tree-ring in Quercus gussonei (Borz\uec) Brullo in the Mediterranean region

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    Change in growth is among the primary response of trees to environmental variation. Tree-rings contain a wealth of information related to the climatic conditions. A dendroclimatic study on Quercus gussonei (Borz\uec) Brullo was carried out in the Nature Reserve of \u201cBosco della Ficuzza, Rocca Busambra, Bosco Del Cappelliere, Gorgo Del Drago\u201d (southern Italy). Q. gussonei is an endemic deciduous oak and thermophilous form of Quercus cerris L. that is found only in Sicily, although with clear sign of decline. The knowledge of ecology of this species should help to establish criteria for forest conservation in the Mediterranean region. For definining the ecological character and understanding the potential causes of the oak decline, we collected cores from ten trees with an increment borer. Precipitation and temperature data were obtained from a meteorological station located nearby from the stand. Annual ring widths, earlywood and latewood analyses were used in order to investigate and better understand the climatic dynamics influencing the oaks\u2019 growth. We determined the stable isotope discrimination of carbon (D13C) in the wood in order to investigate wateruse efficiency variations and the expression of possible plant adaptive traits. Climate-growth relationship, for the chronology 1951-2008, were analyzed using response, correlation and moving correlation functions. Our finding mostly highlight relationships between tree-rings width and climate data. Furthermore, D13C in treerings was used to identify long-term adjustments in water-use efficiency

    The Embioptera from the Strait of Sicily Islands: first records from Pantelleria and Lampedusa and new data from Lampione (Sicily, Italy)

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    The occurrence of Embioptera in the Strait of Sicily islands was up to date known only from Lampione (the smallest of the Pelagie islands), where the only species reported was provisionally assigned to Embia ramburi Rimski-Korsakow, 1905. Based on material recently collected by the authors, the presence of Embioptera is here reported for the first time in the Islands of Pantelleria (Sicily, Trapani) and Lampedusa (Sicily, Agrigento). In the Island of Pantelleria the occurrence of the typical small silky tunnels produced by Embioptera has been verified in many sites, from sea level to Montagna Grande (836 m). In many of these sites, several juveniles and some adult or subadult specimens were collected and reared, obtaining an adult male belonging to Cleomia guareschii Stefani, 1953. Moreover, a single adult male of E. ramburi was collected in Lampedusa, the largest of the Pelagian Islands. Finally, the fauna of Embioptera from Lampione remains still poorly known, as it was possible to examine only two females recently collected in the island, and identified as Embia sp

    Using organoclay to promote morphology refinement and co-continuity in high-density polyethylene/polyamide 6 blends - Effect of filler content and polymer matrix composition

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    We investigate the gradual changes of the microstructure of two blends of high-density polyethylene (HOPE) and polyamide 6 (PA6) at opposite composition filled with increasing amounts of an organo-modified clay. The filler locates preferentially inside the polyamide phase, bringing about radical alterations in the micron-scale arrangement of the polymer phases. When the host polyamide represents the major constituent, a sudden reduction of the average sizes of the polyethylene droplets was observed upon addition of even low amounts of organoclay. A morphology refinement was also noticed at low filler contents when the particles distributes inside the minor phase. In this case, however, keep increasing the organoclay content eventually results in a high degree of PA6 phase continuity. Rheological analyses reveal that the filler loading at which the polyamide assembles in a continuous network corresponds to the critical threshold for its rheological transition from a liquid- to a gel-like behaviour, which is indicative of the structuring of the filler inside the host PA6. On the basis of this finding, a schematic mechanism is proposed in which the role of the filler in driving the space arrangement of the polymer phases is discussed. Finally, we show that the synergism between the reinforcing action of the filler and its ability to affect the blend microstructure can be exploited in order to enhance relevant technological properties of the materials, such as their high temperature structural integrit

    Photo-oxidative and soil burial degradation of irrigation tubes based on biodegradable polymer blends

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    Irrigation tubes based on biodegradable polymers were prepared via an extrusion-drawing process by Irritec and compared to conventional pipes made of high-density polyethylene (HDPE). A commercial polylactide/poly (butyleneadipate-co-butyleneterephthalate) (PLA/PBAT) blend (Bio-Flex®) and Mater-Bi® were used. The polymers were characterized from rheological and mechanical points of view. Irrigation pipes were subjected to photoaging with continued exposure to UV radiation up to 22 days. The degradability in the soil of irrigation tube samples was studied. The influence of temperature and UV irradiation on soil burial degradation was investigated. A soil burial degradation test was carried out at 30 °C and 50 °C for up to 70 days. The degree of degradation was evaluated from the weight loss percentage. The degradation rate of irrigation tube samples based on Mater-Bi® was higher at 30 °C and was stimulated after 14 days of UV irradiation. Higher temperatures or UV aging encouraged the disintegration in soil of Bio-Flex®-based irrigation tubes. Furthermore, tube samples, before and after UV and soil burial degradation, were analyzed by Attenuated Total Reflection-Fourier Transform Infra-Red (ATR-FTIR) spectroscop